*I was given the chance (and a sign) to write a reflection for MCC QC's Paskong Makulay: Daily Reflections ala Simbang Gabi online.
I was given several scriptures and this is the one I chose. Hope you get something from this...
Gospel Reading: Luke 1: 26 – 38
Five days before Christmas. Every year’s the same for me: work, work, work. Christmas day? Still at work. But being part of MCC makes me feel closer to HIM and I know now that GOD wants us to understand why Jesus was born: LOVE. Five years in MCC and I’ve come to understand that GOD is not just for the heterosexuals but also for us fabulous LGBTs.
Christmas is one season that we always become busier and more extravagant just to make sure families and friends feel the love that WE understand. But please allow me to ask: How about you? How is your Spirit? Do you have a gift to yourself, to your angel?
Angel Gabriel was sent to bring the good news to Mary and Joseph. God chose Joseph to take care of Mary. This is a favorite verse of mine because God answered my prayer with my ex-partner; to bring us back together. At that time I thought God chose me to take care of my ex-partner. For a while I did and even if we’re just friends now I still feel the same way because I know that love is not just for couples but for good friends as well.
Going back to my question, if you were Angel Gabriel God sent to Earth who would you like your Mary and your Joseph to be? If given a choice, who would you like to bring the good news to? Enemies? People you’ve hurt? Your family?
We always think of other people and try to make them happy, try to show how much we love them. We give gifts, prayers, etc How about you? I thank God for letting me know Yoga for Life and was blessed to be instrumental in bringing people there especially Pastor Regen who said that he came to understand that we too, need to love ourselves. When was the last time you thanked yourself; hugged yourself; or maybe said I love you to yourself?
This year is a very meaningful year for everyone. As LGBT Christians let us continue to demonstrate the spirit of giving, spirit of love, spirit of GOD. Let us touch the people we’ve hurt, the people who hurt us, and yes, even ourselves.
We still have a couple of days to wrap our gifts for them. The gift I’m talking about is not something you can find in a mall nor in Divisoria. No, it doesn’t have that “Buy 1 Take 1″ tag and is not made in China. Why not Peace? Prayer? Wrap them up in colorful wrappers of LOVE and a card from GOD saying I LOVE YOU.
Because as you read this entry right now, I am your Angel Gabriel who just shared the good news to you. I prayed for you. My gift is wrapped in a bright wrapper with a card signed by God saying…. WE both LOVE YOU.
Lord, help me to bring the Good News to others. Help me to be sensitive and responsive to your prompting in caring for the people around me. But even as I do that, help me to take care of myself too. Amen.
Written by: Mark Simbillo of MCC Makati
Edited by: Red Macalalad
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